1/3 These four presentations will introduce you the main concepts about photolithography.

Rise up the sound of your computer before opening the files

photolitho - principles       photolitho 2       photolitho 3       photolitho 4

   French 2'38''                French 5'25''                   French 9'28''              French 12'52''

   English 2'43''               English 6'18''                    English 9'12''            English 13'46''

  Pdf (english)                 Pdf (english)                  Pdf (english)                PDF English

2/3 To complete  your learning you need to login (above right corner login) and then to apply to the quizz. 

If you don't succeed within 3 attemps please email to formationteam@laas.fr in order we reinitialized your rights

3/3 After your result validate  TEAM will offer you a date for

  • an in-person exchange about characterization 
  • a practical training on basic lithography equipment.